Tag: success

3 Simple Principles to Succeed in Everything you do

When I run a Remodelers Advantage Roundtables meeting or work with a remodeling company on-site one of the questions that I ask of all the attendees as part of ice-breaking efforts is: “When did you get your first job?” More often than not most of the people in the room started working in their mid

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WHO’s WITH ME?! How to get employee buy-in

Change is the key to business if you want better results, happier clients, and increased profits. But have you ever tried to make a change in the way you do business, only to have your employees ignore the new procedure? Or worse, sabotage it? It’s not uncommon. Just because you may understand the need for

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4 Easy Ways to Influence Others

Ever wonder why some people have all the best employees? Why they seem to sell every lead they touch? Why everyone knows them wherever they go? Most likely they are utilizing the techniques taught in the best selling book How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. And in this week’s episode of

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Surprise! Your Company May Not be a Business

Most remodelers I speak to think they own a remodeling business. But this isn’t always the case. Some are surprised to learn that they are, in fact, running a practice. Do you know which you own? In this week’s episode of PowerTips TV, I’ll discuss the differences between a business and a practice, the pros and

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Keeping Your Eye on (The Right) Ball!

Excerpted from a  From the Business Leaders podcast – a series exclusively for Remodelers Advantage Members. If you’re like me, you’re busy! You don’t have time to watch every single area of your business to make sure that things are on track for a profitable year. So, take a page from our top members, remodeling

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Boost Your Brain: 5 Tips for Brainy Success at Work

One organ in your body dictates much of your behavior and ultimate success at work. The activities of this organ occur at a level of which you are not even consciously aware. It’s your brain! While phrases like, “Use your brain!” or “Think outside the box!” are casually tossed around in the workplace every day,

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What Sales Managers Measure

At a recent meeting of one of our Roundtables™ peer groups — this one with owners of companies producing over $5,000,000 annually — I participated in a rousing discussion of the techniques and procedures used in managing sales successfully. As you can imagine, once a company reaches a high volume, using a proven, effective sales

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