Tag: Sales

Pricing on Your Website? Don’t Do It!

A couple of weeks ago I received a guest contributor submission from one of our Marketplace partners, Brian Brauntuch of EVEN Financial. The moment I opened the draft and read the title, 3 Reasons to Put Prices on your Website, I recognized it would be controversial to say the least. I had my reservations about publishing the submission, but in

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3 Reasons to Put Prices on your Website

Imagine walking into an upscale restaurant on a Saturday night. You’re willing to spend $75. That should include an appetizer, an entree, two drinks and maybe a dessert if it fits within the budget. There’s only one problem: the restaurant’s menu doesn’t have any prices listed. Based on reviews you’ve read, it would seem the pricing

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Project Sweet Spot: Where Profits Are Easy!

Do you know what what kinds of projects deliver the most profit to your company . . . and do so on a consistent basis . . . and do so with the least amount of headaches? You should, because this is exactly the kind of project you want to repeat over and over and over again. This project takes full advantage of your

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How to Stop Wasting Time on Bad Leads

Do you know how to identify a bad lead? If not then you are losing time. And time is your most precious commodity. I’ve already addressed the problem with “wearing too many hats” in a previous episode. There I discussed how critical it is for you to focus primarily on sales and marketing. However, that doesn’t mean

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How to Close the Deal Without Rushing the Prospect

Here’s a  question that was recently asked on an online business forum I frequent, and it really resonated with me: Q: (From a business owner) Okay, here’s a quick question: After discussing details of a project with a client who is a prospect, how do we smoothly go to closing the deal without making our client feel

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Your Midyear Financial Checklist

If you’re a baseball fan than you know that the all-star break is right around the corner. You also know that this game serves as a performance milestone, with most looking at a team’s season in terms of “before the break” and “after the break.” Well, it’s your all-star break, too. How are you performing at

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It’s Yes or No… there is no ‘Maybe’

Will Hummel of Ferguson was sitting in on one of the Remodelers Advantage Roundtables™ Meetings that I ran this spring. At some point in the meeting Will said that what you want as a business person is a quick “yes” or a fast “no”. What you did not want was a slow “maybe.” Think about

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Turning Time Into Money: Pre-qualifying Prospects – part 1

Nowhere more than in remodeling, does time mean money. Like most entrepreneurs, remodelers have to wear many hats in order to run a successful business, so effective time management is crucial. One of the most common ways that remodelers find themselves wasting time is attending no-hope appointments with totally unqualified prospects.

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The Science of Blogging

As consumers become more and more overwhelmed with advertisements, content marketing is rising to the top of the Must-Do-List for remodelers looking to successfully get their message through the noise and generate leads.

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