Tag: employee buy-in

The Team Approach to Preventing Slippage

Loss of revenue is a critical issue for any business, but in my experience, the biggest problem with slippage is the effect it has on morale within the company. Of course, it hits the owner of a remodeling business hard because it is money out of his/her pocket, but it effects the entire team because

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9 Keys to a Company Wellness Plan

length 3:39 (not including bonus content) Have you ever wished you were in better physical shape? Do you find yourself watching your weight at home but totally ignore calories when you’re at work? Or are you working so much that you’re not taking the time you need to work out and be healthy? Well, in

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3 Simple Principles to Succeed in Everything you do

When I run a Remodelers Advantage Roundtables meeting or work with a remodeling company on-site one of the questions that I ask of all the attendees as part of ice-breaking efforts is: “When did you get your first job?” More often than not most of the people in the room started working in their mid

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WHO’s WITH ME?! How to get employee buy-in

Change is the key to business if you want better results, happier clients, and increased profits. But have you ever tried to make a change in the way you do business, only to have your employees ignore the new procedure? Or worse, sabotage it? It’s not uncommon. Just because you may understand the need for

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Can Your Employees Survive a Shipwreck?

Have you ever played one of those educational survivor games? They always start with a crisis (like a plane crash or a shipwreck) that leaves you and your team with only your problem-solving skills and a motley array of items to survive. If you haven’t been part of a game like this, you should. There are

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Your 2013 Plan for Success

We’re two full months into 2013 and of course you’ve got a plan in place for maximizing your company’s success this year.  Hopefully that plan is on paper. Hopefully it was designed with the help of your staff.  Hopefully you rolled it out before the year began, in an all-company meeting with action points developed for how

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The Power of Group Thinking

It is 10:45 A.M., May 8. The six of you are standing together somewhere in the Mojave Desert in the Southwest United States. You are looking at the charred remains of the twin-engine plane you were riding in 20 minutes ago. Identify your four greatest problems and the best strategy for your survival. Then, decide

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Making Annual Planning Successful

It’s annual planning time and I’m hoping that you and your team are well underway. We just completed our planning session and it was extremely worthwhile. Here are some tips on making this time successful: Include Your Staff in the Planning Process After all, they are the people who are going to make the plan

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