Tag: company vision

Making Annual Planning Successful

It’s annual planning time and I’m hoping that you and your team are well underway. We just completed our planning session and it was extremely worthwhile. Here are some tips on making this time successful: Include Your Staff in the Planning Process After all, they are the people who are going to make the plan

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Creating a Structure of Governance that Works

Again and again as I consult with remodeling companies, I recommend the same action to cure many of their ills. And again and again, they report major improvements when they follow this relatively simple advice. The problem is that many of the companies have outgrown their management structure and yet have staff on board –

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Pass the Baton and Delight Your Clients While You’re At It!

[divider style=”hr-dotted”] Being the savvy business people that we are, we all know that our money is made in the planning stage of a remodeling project, not in the production. By this I mean, that the more organized and complete our planning process, the more quickly we complete high quality projects for delighted clients–and the

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