
The Remodelers

Guide to Business

Consistency Pays Off!

I’ve written a lot about discipline over the years — the discipline to do the things you know you need to do in order to build a strong, profitable remodeling business. I believe this strength of mind is one of the most important attributes that remodeling company owners can bring to the table.  Not only does this self-control contribute to the success of the company — it can also affect the mindset of the company’s employees.

For example, remodeling company owners must have the discipline:

  • to treat company meetings with the high priority they deserve, being prepared, and arriving on time.
  • to conduct performance evaluations for each employee.
  • to learn to understand the financials of the company and to review them each month.
  • to complete all sales tasks if he/she is a salesperson for the company. This means not handing off projects before the information is complete.

This is just the start of the list, but you get my drift.

Today, I want to specifically talk about discipline within the areas of sales and lead generation.

Along with one other, I am responsible for the company’s sales and yet, I’ve recently realized that I’ve not been completing the tasks that I know are important if I want to get the best results possible. After hearing about the need for consistency from a few sales experts, I’ve totally bought into the philosophy.

Previously, I’d put the pedal to the metal with sales activities sporadically, whenever I noticed the need. Now, I understand that a steady plan that is worked week in and week out will produce much more predictable–and better–results.

Here are the steps to take to prepare yourself for your new routine!

  1. Determine what activities drive sales — networking events, blog posts, speaking engagements, involvement in discussion groups, cold calling prospects, asking for referrals, sending newsletters, etc.
  2. Set monthly goals for each type of activity. For example, I may set a goal of 20 cold calls to prospective clients each month. Or a goal of 5 speaking engagements–translating to 6 per year.
  3. Break the monthly goals into weekly goals.
  4. Meet or beat these goals each and every week!

By completing these goals each and every month, my pipeline will fill with a consistent flow of prospective business.  If you know your closing ratio, you can begin to predict the sales that will be yours. This allows you to turn up the goals if the activities are not producing enough leads.

It’s my responsibility to deliver a certain level of sales to the company. With this plan and my new-found discipline, I’m well on my way to a great year.

My recommendation for you: Create your activity list and goals today. Then, share them with others so that they can help you stay on track. The longer you have the self-control to meet your goals, the better results you will see.

If you’re ready to ramp up your sales results, Remodelers Advantage can help. Join our experts as they share techniques for focusing on top prospects, eliminating wasted time, setting expectations with clients and more — all in the convenience of your own office! Sign up today for one of the Strategic Action Groups that are coming up soon:  Getting Rid of the Tire Kickers and Getting the Work You Want with Paul Winans or Becoming a Great Salesperson with Craig Deimler.

Or call us at 301-490-5620 x106 for details. And best of all, like all Remodelers Advantage programs, these are 100% satisfaction guaranteed! And remember, members receive a special discount on all programs!


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